Sunday, July 17, 2011

Artist's Journal

Here is a great book to check out if you are at all interested in journaling, especially if you like adding artwork to your daily posts. I found this on and love it; very inspiring.

This is such a fun book! I downloaded it to my Ipad and luckily it is in color! I have kept journals through my life, and often used colored pens and pencils and sometimes an illustration would find its way it. This book shows how to take things a bit further, and so far, I'm loving it. Check it out!


Kim said...

Thanks for the tip. I just downloaded it. Looks good!

Woolly Mammoth Woolens said...

I'm enjoying it very much! Hope you like it!

April DeConick said...

I took a look at the preview on my new ipad, and got inspired to pull out my art journal and bring it somewhat up to date. I'm really bad at putting finished projects in it.

Woolly Mammoth Woolens said...

I have had a journal off and on for years. Now I'm concentrating on putting on my squiggles, normally done on scraps of paper, into one place. Amazing what happens!