Knitting Projects
Off the subject of rug hooking for this post. Some of you may know that I belong to a prayer shawl ministry. We are a group of about 30 knitters and crocheters who get together twice a month. Besides doing prayer shawls for the community, we have taken on several other projects through the last four years. Some of those projects include: - Wool caps for the soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq;
- Confirmation and baptismal stoles for the local Catholic Church;
- Afghans for the VA Hospital buddy program in Albany, NY;
- Hats, mittens, scarves, socks, etc. for a the local Giving Tree Store for the needy in Saratoga County. The group that runs this store serves over 325 needy families in the county at Christmas time.
- Baby blankets for stillborn babies dispersed by the Angel Names Network;
- Knitted items for Operation Shoebox (Samaritan's Purse) that are distributed worldwide;
- Sweaters and other warm winter items for an area school district that serves a very impoverished area;
- and various other small projects that come up throughout the year.
As you can see, we are very busy! As it is with rug hooking groups, our knitters and crocheters have become close friends which makes this ministry such a worthwhile group to belong to. Anyway, here are a few of my latest contributions:
A prayer shawl crocheted in shades of green, cream and turquoise blue.
A confirmation stole knit in the tradition prayer shawl pattern of K3 P3. Sorry the photo is so bad!
Hi Woolly Mammoth. This is so very generous of you and your group to do all that work for charity. Our women group knits Teddies for Tragedies and the teddies are packed in little cloth bags and ship to Haiti to orphanage. They have nothing but little sticks and stones to play with and they love those little knitted teddies. It also help them heal faster when they are sick and have something to hug and call their own. Here is a link if your care to check it out.
Thanks so much for your kind words! I will definitely check out that link. Some of the members in our group love to knit animal toys and puppets. It is so rewarding to know that something you love to do can help others.
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