One of the colors I made is Montana Skies. Since it is
made in a two-yard batch, I used the formula over a

Next piece (Marble B) measures 25.75" x 16.5" (1/4 yard). It also sells for $8.50 plus s/h.

Marble C was originally a piece of yellow wool that melded with some purple. Would make a wonderful sunset, peach, or flower. It measures 24.5" x 15.5". Cost is $8.50 plus s/h.

Soft pink wool is the next marbleized piece (Marble D). A beautiful shade, this would make lovely fruits and flowers. The other side is more cream. It measures 25"75" x 16.5". Cost is $8.50 plus s/h.

The next marbled selection (Marble E) consists of two pieces of speckled oatmeal marbleized to softpink shades. Duller pink due to the oatmeal background. Nice primitive flower in the making. Larger piece measures 27.5" x 11.5". Smaller piece measures 29.75" x 4.75". $8.50 for both pieces plus s/h.

The following group of dark pieces is the wool I used to marbelize the lighter shades. There is some variation in this wool. They coordinate well with the marbleized lighter pieces. Here are measurements and prices. S/H additional.

1 .... 29.5" x 16" .... $6.50
2 .... 31" x 13" .... $6.50
3 .... 33.5" x 10.5" .... $5.50
4 .... 33.75" x 13.75" .... $6.50
5 .... 25.5" x 28.25" .... $6.50
Your marbled pieces are really nice ~ I've never tried that ~ your results are great!!
Thanks! I love doing them, because you never know what's going to happen!!
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