Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Switching gears here a bit to show a picture of a pair of socks I just completed for the Prayer Shawl Ministry I belong to. We knit items for families in need for Christmas and work at it all year. I love making socks!

I guess the whole process is intriguing. Starting out on three needles, turning the heel, decreasing to the toe, and having a completed sock there when you are all done.
These particular socks were down in Rowan cotton (sport weight). An expensive yarn that was donated to our group. I'm not sure I really like working with cotton; it stretches a bit too much, but I was pleased with the result.


SDQuilter said...

They are adorable! Have you ever thought about joining one of the sock communitees online? I belong to http://sockamonthkal5.blogspot.com/ . There are lovely socks every month and it might be another good way to get your beautiful wool out there for new people to see.

Woolly Mammoth Woolens said...

Hi Deb. I checked out that site; the socks are incredible. I have thought about joining a sock group, but I just don't have the time. However, I bookmarked the site, just in case!