Thursday, June 20, 2013

Creative Space

I'm currently reading The Lost Art of Mixing by Erica Bauermeister. I love her books, and so I was happy to find this waiting for me on the shelf of new books at our public library.

I took it with me this morning to read while waiting for my check-up with our family physician and the following passage really struck me.

"Lillian's love for her kitchen was the radiant gratitude of an artist for a space where imagination moves without obstacles, the small, quiet happiness of finding a home, even if the other people in in are passing through...."

Substitute the word "studio" for "kitchen," and that's how I feel about the space I work in. There is not only a sense of calm, but also a sense of possibilities. I hope you all have a space that you work in where you feel the same way.

Have a great day!

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