Have also been knitting away for my prayer shawl ministry group. Finished a hat and fingerless gloves set for a teenage boy. This will go in The Ladies of Charity Giving Store at Christmas. What a great job they do for the underprivileged in the area. I've also been crocheting a bit. Our group was given several small lapghans which need to be englarged. They will be going to the Veteran's Hospital in Albany and need to be more of a bed size. I have been surprised at how much yarn this blanket is using. Finally went to A.C. Moore and bought a few of the "pounder" balls of yarn. Hopefully, this will finish it off.
I also joined Heidi Wulfraat's new "felting" group on .ning.com. The address is: http://feltbook.ning.com. I love felted pieces, but really don't have any experience with it. I'm hoping this group will have some tips for beginners.
As some of you may have noticed, my Ecrater and Etsy shops are in vacation mode. I've decided to take some time off for a bit and work on some projects of mine that need finishing. I still have a rug to hang, a rug to bind, and a rug to finish!! Also, I just found out I'm going to be a grandmother in the fall (a very young grandmother!), so I'd like to do some blankets and perhaps hook a rug for the new baby. My daughter is getting married in 2011, so there is a rug needing to be planned for that event also. Busy times, but I love it.
Here is a picture of my "Silent Night" rug to date:

I haven't worked on it for a bit (not meeting the 10-minute challenge these days), but I have been crafting. Does that count? Anyway, mostly sky left to do. That is going to be a darker version of my Scary Night formula. Here is a photo of that:

One other note. I just finished reading "The Postmistress." It is a wonderful book, and I highly recommend it!