I'm trying to establish a list of English-speaking rug hooking blogs from around the world. If you have anymore that you think should be added to this list let me know. My own side bar lists some of my favorites. Here are a few more I've found:
Among Friends Wool: http://amongfriendswool.blogspot.com/
Anita White: http://anitawhite.blogspot.com/
Artwork by Karen Kaiser: http://www.artworksbykarenkaiser.com/
Be Fruitful Kreations: http://befruitfulkreations.blogspot.com/
Beth Anderson Pulls the Wool: http://bethandersonpullsthewool.blogspot.com/
Boggy Creek Primitives: http://boggycreekprimitives.blogspot.com/
Brighton Wool Gatherings: http://brightonwoolgatherings.blogspot.com/
Cabin Creek Farm: http://cabincreekfarm.blogspot.com/
Cadi Girl Designs: http://cadigirldesigns.blogspot.com/
Cats in My Wool: http://catsinmywool.blogspot.com/
Cindi Gay: http://www.cindigayrughooking.com/blog/blog/
Cotton-Eyed Jo Takes a Look at Life: http://cotton-eyed-jo.blogspot.com/
Crude Black Ewe: http://crudeblackewe.blogspot.com/
Deanne Fitzpatrick: http://www.hookingrugs.com/blog/
Doris Norman Rug Hooking: http://dorisrughooking.blogspot.com/
Dulcy's Doorstep: http://dulcysdoorstep.blogspot.com/
Ellen DuCharme Designs: http://laidoffrughooker.blogspot.com/
Evening Stitcher: http://eveningstitcher.blogspot.com/
From Sherry's Heart: http://fromsherrysheart.blogspot.com/
Hedgerow Journal: http://www.hedgerowdesign.com/wordpress/
Hey Diddle Woolies: http://heydiddlewoolies.blogspot.com/
Homespun Prims: http://homespunprims.blogspot.com/
Jill of All Trades: http://jillofalltrades-jill.blogspot.com/
Kanknchester: http://kanknchester.blogspot.com/
Make Something Beautiful: http://makesomethingbeautiful-debbe.blogspot.com/
Manistee Rug School: http://manisteerugschool.blogspot.com/
Millstone Mercantile: http://millstonemercantile.blogspot.com/
Molly Made Fibre Art Studio: http://mollymadefibreart.blogspot.com/
Moments in Time: http://doriswooldyer.blogspot.com/
Moosecraft USA: http://moosecraftusa.blogspot.com/
My Glory Stars: http://myglorystars.blogspot.com/
My Little House Designs: http://www.mylittlehousedesigns.com/
Not a Lazy Suzen: http://www.notalazysuzen.com/
Not Forgotten Farm: http://farmhousenotforgotten.blogspot.com/
October Girls: http://www.octobergirls.blogspot.com/
Olde Crow Primitives: http://oldecrowprimitives.blogspot.com/
Pati Jane's Primitives: http://patijanesprimitives.blogspot.com/
Primitive Betty's: http://primitivebettys.blogspot.com/
Primitive Whimsical Works by Shug: http://primwhimsicalworks.blogspot.com/
Primitive Woolens: http://katie-primitivewoolens.blogspot.com/
Primitives by the Light of the Moon: http://primitivesbythelightofthemoon.blogspot.com/
Raging Wool: http://ragingwool.blogspot.com/
Ravens' Gate Prims: http://ravensgateprims.blogspot.com/
Rug Hooker: http://rughooker.blogspot.com
Rug Hooker's Hollow: http://rughookershollow.blogspot.com/
Rugs and Pugs: http://rugsandpugs.blogspot.com
Sally Van Nuys: http://folknfiber.wordpress.com/
Sharlene's Rug Hooking Journal: http://sharlenewashington.blogspot.com/
She Seeketh Wool (Woolly Lott Rugs): http://woollylott.blogspot.com/
Simple Folk: http://simple-folk.blogspot.com/
Snippets and Scraps of My Mind: http://snippetsandscrapsandpieces.blogspot.com/
Star Rug Company: http://starrugcompany-maria.blogspot.com/
Starlight Primitives: http://starlightprimitives.blogspot.com/
Texas Rug Bug: http://texasrugbug.blogspot.com/
The Big Black Cat http://thebigblackcat.blogspot.com/
The Middle Sister: http://themiddlesister.blogspot.com/
The Paisley Studio: http://paisleystudio.blogspot.com/
Wildflower Wool in Texas: http://wildflowerwool.blogspot.com/
With Hook and Needle: http://kankerdoodle.blogspot.com/
Women Matter Rug Art: http://womenmattersrugart.blogspot.com/
Woolen Sails: http://woolnsails.blogspot.com/
Wool Snippets: http://woolsnippets.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
While I was cleaning out my wool closet, I found a bag of fine-cut strips in pinks and mauves in various shades. Looks to me to be mostly 3-cut strips and weighs about 12 ounces. I have to say that the wool is probably six to ten years old. My neighbor's mother was a rug hooker, and this batch of wool came from her last rug project.
Anyway ... if anyone would like to have this wool, please contact me. All that I ask, is that you pay for shipping.
Anyway ... if anyone would like to have this wool, please contact me. All that I ask, is that you pay for shipping.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Dye is Cast dye formula booklet

The Dye is Cast is a collection of 60 formulas that use the following methods: overdye, abrash, and spot dye. When you purchase the .pdf file, you will receive a second file that shows photos of the colors you can produce using the formulas. You must print the dye booklet yourself on your own printer.
Purchasing the dye booklet in this manner saves me printing costs and you s/h charges. If you are interested in purchasing this booklet, the cost is $10.00. Please contact me at mictype@nycap.rr.com to arrange payment.

My second dye booklet, The Dye is Cast Again, is also available in .pdf format. Cost for the second booklet is $12.00. 58 formulas using overdye, abrash, spot dye, 2 gradation methods, and transcolor dyeing. If you wish to have a paper copy, the cost is $15.00 plus $2.25 s/h.
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