I have discovered one thing while hooking this rug. I hooked the rug using 5- and 6-cut strips and noticed a lot of frayed edges on the strips. I'm sure this means that my cutter blades need to be sharpened. Of course, my first thought was ... get a Townsend cutter!!! That will have to wait, and I think just sharpening my blades will have to do.
Lots of excitement going on in our household. My son recently got engaged and bought a house. Plans for the wedding are in full swing! Luckily, his bride-to-be is totally organized and things are moving along nicely.
The other exciting thing that has happened is that my husband won a trip to Ireland! Because of our son's wedding date and other commitments, it looks like we'll be going sometime in May. Can't wait to check out wool shops and yarn shops. One thing on my list to do while there is visit the Aran Islands. I love Aran knit patterns and yarn. Can't wait to go!!
How wonderful to be going to Ireland! I was just talking with my co-workers about Ireland and it turns out we would all like to go. How much can you bring back without having to pay tariffs, do you think? >wink< Have a blessed time and congratulations on your son's engagement. If you lived closer, I would have liked to have taken hooking classes from you. Sadly, I do not know how.
Not sure what you can bring back to the U.S., but I'll be checking it out!!! I was surprised to read that you don't hook. Ever since you've been buying wool from me, I always assumed you hooked!
I've been following this project on Gene Shepherd's blog and have learned a lot in the process! Your version of this pattern looks great!
Congratulations on your trip to Ireland!
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